At Pelvic Relief we are a small part of a big conversation that we need to have around pelvic and sexual health. This has brought us into contact with the true experts in the arena, healthcare professionals who are leading the research and moving the goalposts of expectation around how we treat conditions that impact our pelvic and gynaecological health, sexual wellness and relationships.
Many of these incredible professionals are democratising their knowledge through podcasts and online courses and here are just a couple of our favourites.
The Sexual Wellness Sessions with Kate Moyle Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist
We could listen to Kate all day long. In her podcast she hosts a series of guest experts to facilitate conversations that normally happen behind the therapy room door. One episode at a time she is changing narratives, challenging beliefs, breaking away from feelings of shame. These discussions are about opening up the conversation, and showing the normality of an imperfect sex life. The conversations cover wide ranging topics from self pleasure to rethinking desire, infertility to self pleasure.
"Talking about the stuff that we are frightened of talking about and normalising the fact that everybody has different desires and that's ok"
Andrew G Marshall talking to Kate Moyle in Episode 6 of Season 2
The Sexual Wellness Sessions

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At Your Cervix with Emma Brockwell and Gráinne Donnelly, Pelvic Health Physiotherapists
An incredible first season from Emma and Grainne who host a podcast dedicated to pelvic health issues such as incontinence, pelvic pain or sexual dysfunction affecting both men and women. As we are acutely aware at Pelvic Relief these issues are often poorly understood and considered embarrassing or taboo resulting in a delay accessing help. Gráinne and Emma Brockwell are two pelvic health physiotherapists who bust myths, empower and educate us all in the most accesible way possible about pelvic health. We love the honesty and authentic conversations on the taboo topics others don't discuss.

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The Hotbed Collective with Cherry Healey, Lisa Williams and Anniki Sommerville
If you like your conversations light, frank and funny then we would recommend tuning into The Hotbed Collective with natural and enlightening conversations about the highs and lows of sex. This podcast is easy to listen to but still packs an academic punch with expert guests such as Dr Phillipa Kaye and Dr Karen Gurney there is a reason this podcast is now into season 6.

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The Meaningful Life with Andrew G Marshall
Author of over 20 books in The Meaningful Life Andrew shares a lifetime of experience in relationship therapy. So many of the conditions we talk about at Pelvic Relief, from incontinence to the menopause, endometriosis to pelvic pain will inevitably impact our sexual wellness and relationships. We love this podcast as it allows us the opportunity to broaden our examination of relationships and how our physical health, mental health and relationships are bound together in a complex web and hopefully discover how to have more meaningful relationships and a more meaningful life.

Listen Here:
The Surprising truth about desire everyone needs to know by Dr Karen Gurney
Author of Mind The Gap: How to Future Proof Your Sex Life it is no small coincidence that Karen is guest on many of the podcasts we recommend. Karen's understanding of how desire works and how our misunderstanding of desire and libido can impact on the choices we make in our sex lives and relationships. We highly recommend carving out some time to listen to Karen's Ted Talk or following her on Instagram @thesexdoctor