Gender Nurse: What Makes a Saint Tick? February 02, 2021Eleanor Gardner This week we are really excited to introduce our guest blogger, gender nurse, Iffy Middleton EN, RN, BSc (Hons) or Saint Iffy as she is known in the Trans community....
Vaginal Moisturisers: What is Osmolality? February 02, 2021Eleanor Gardner When looking at the product descriptions if you are considering purchasing a vaginal moisturiser you may have read the word osmolality. What does osmolality mean and why is it important? I...
Healing Pelvic and Abdominal Pain with Amy Stein January 30, 2021Eleanor Gardner When putting together our library for you, we aimed to find books that were packed full of relevant information with tips that were easy to digest so you could incorporate the...
Lubricants: It's a Slippy Business January 30, 2021Eleanor Gardner Deciding on your lubricant Whether you are deciding to use a lubricant for the first time or trying to decide which lubricant is right for you, there are so many...
Bowel Health: Is There a Taboo within the Taboos? January 29, 2021Eleanor Gardner This week we are thrilled to introduce Kate Walsh MSc, Physiotherapist and all round continence guru. With over 25 years clinical experience we felt she was the perfect person to...
Lubricants: A Personal Journey January 29, 2021Eleanor Gardner Lavinia has a personal story which is inspiring and inevitably all too familiar for many. Medical Liaison at YES Lubricants, Lavinia brings her own perspective to her role, having experienced many...
Pregnancy and Pelvic Health: Gillian McCabe explains how the two can go hand in hand January 29, 2021Eleanor Gardner Many people believe that pregnancy can spell disaster for your pelvic health. Gillian McCabe, Women's Health Physiotherapist explains why this doesn't have to be the case. How did you end...
Sinead McCarthy Women's Health Physiotherapist Discusses Sex After Having A Baby January 29, 2021Eleanor Gardner Your body undergoes changes during pregnancy and birth which can lead to many questions about sex after having a baby. When will it happen again? Will it feel different? Will...
Do Not Fear the Smear January 29, 2021Eleanor Gardner Every year in the UK there are approximately 3200 new cases of cervical cancer. While there has been incredible progress with the development of the HPV vaccine smear tests still...
EZMagic and the treatment of male pelvic pain with Gerard Greene January 29, 2021Eleanor Gardner Male pelvic pain is a common and often debilitating condition. The intensity and location of the pain will vary between individuals but may include lower abdominal pain, pain in the...
EZMagic Frequently Asked Questions with Gerard Greene January 29, 2021Eleanor Gardner EZMagic is a curved therapeutic aid designed and manufactured in the USA. The unique shape and properties make it the perfect tool for you to safely manage your symptoms of pelvic...